Becoming a prayer team member

Three options for praying:
  • For 3 friends at 20:33
  • By ePrayer
  • Through worldwide prayer

Pray for 3 friends at 20:33

Would you like to pray for 3 of your friends at 20:33?
From Easter to Pentecost, join thousands of Christians worldwide in this action of unity!

  1. Sign up
  2. Set your alarm at 20:33
  3. Pray for your three friends

Here's a sample prayer:

thy kingdom come
Thy will be done 
on earth as it is in heaven
Come, Holy Spirit.
I pray you for... (name your 3 friends by their first names)
So that your love and your good news may touch them.

Join the 8284 people involved!

Pray at 20:33


Once a month, receive prayer requests by e-mail from JC2033 ambassadors. Support your brothers and sisters in Christ, and discover a prayer network that unites 46 nations.

Global prayer

Connect to God with people from all five continents at our Global Prayer Zoom. Every last Friday of the month at 14:00 (Swiss time), let's pray together for a region, a country, or an initiative. The hour-long meeting is conducted in English and translated into French and Spanish (other languages available).

Apply to join the monthly Zoom meeting.

Request Zoom code