At Easter 2023, the decade of resurrection has begun. Only nine years and a few months remain to mobilize Christians around the world. We want to encourage Churches, movements, and communities to make the Risen Lord known to everyone. And, in 2033, we want to give him the biggest celebration possible for his glory.
A "puzzle" takes shape.
Olivier Fleury spoke of the "puzzle" that is taking shape thanks to collaboration with several other movements: the Empowered21 movement and the global Pentecostal fellowship, the Global 2033 movement, the Catholic Church's "2033 Agenda" and the World Evangelical Alliance, which will make 2033 one of the focuses of its next assembly. All are taking the road to 2033 seriously. We are in touch with them and invited to speak at their meetings.
Please pray that these open doors will lead to fruitful collaborations! (See also our article: "Multiplying initiatives for 2033")
Middle East and Nepal
Our new Ambassador for the Middle East, Michael Arteen, comes from Egypt. The Lord has put in his heart the desire to serve His people. His wife Grace is from Bethlehem.
He believes it was no coincidence that he visited the JC2033 office end of last year. He understood that there was a place for him in this movement. His love for his people in the Middle East is stimulated by the JC2033 initiative because the message of the resurrection is so powerful that it crosses borders.
From Nepal, Pastor Bishnu Prasad Khanal speaks of a rally in 65 towns in his country to announce the resurrection at Easter. Along with Christmas, Easter is the only time when Christians in Nepal can leave their churches. That's why the JC2033 initiative is so important for them. BP Khanal invites the JC2033 world gathering in February 2024 in Nepal.
The Road to Emmaus
Pastor Martin Hoegger invites us to the next pilgrimage on the Road to Emmaus, from March 29 to April 5, 2024, and reminds us of the five aims of this walk: to be connected to Jerusalem where it all began, to walk on the road to Emmaus, to share our "existential Emmaus" and meditation on the Emmaus story, to visit communities along the way, and to meet church leaders from Jerusalem.
Marie-Thérèse and Jean-François Tosetti then gave a testimonial on their participation on the road to Emmaus experienced at Easter this year: "Our pilgrimage is still very much alive: we talk about it at every opportunity. We experienced many emotions and His presence: in prayer, in meeting with brothers and sisters, in reading the Word. Day after day, we were able to taste the benefits of His Presence: Christ is alive! And he invites us to follow in his footsteps, to build the Kingdom right here, where we are planted!”
To get an idea of the richness of this pilgrimage, read Mr. Hoegger's chronicle of the 2023 Walk on the road to Emmaus.
Easter dawn celebration
Christel Woestelandt is a JC2033 ambassador living in Bulle and being part of the Reformed Church. This year she organized an Easter dawn celebration, bringing together Christians from different churches. A short walk in nature, with songs and texts. Then breakfast. It was a great joy!
But there's still work to be done. Christel makes an appeal to share ideas and give a little time. Then a call to prayer for the Holy Spirit to guide all things. May many ambassadors rise up in Switzerland too!
A five-point "strategy of trust".
To conclude, Olivier Fleury presents the five points of the JC2033 "strategy". In fact, it's all about trusting Christ, having faith, and letting ourselves be inspired by him, step by step.
Before moving on to a delicious aperitif and dinner, Olivier asks this question: “Would you like to organize such an event in your region or church? And, above all, don't miss the next JC2033 meeting in Switzerland in 2024...”