2033 and the Future of the Gospel

Technological advances, changing communications media, social inequalities, ecological challenges...how can we keep the Gospel relevant in the midst of these upheavals?

The Forum for the Future of the Gospel was held in Istanbul from October 8 to 12,  2023. Organized by the World Evangelical Alliance, the event brought together over 250 leaders from 60 nations to reflect on the future of the Gospel in the world in the decades to come.

As manager of a project received twenty-six years before its completion date, Olivier Fleury was specifically invited to share his experience with JC2033 in managing a long-term project. How do you stay encouraged despite the challenges? How do you persevere in a culture that sees only the short term? Olivier tried to answer these questions by sharing the JC2033 initiative.

For Olivier, the Forum for the Future of the Gospel is an interesting platform. "Sixty nations coming together to anticipate the future of the Gospel in the world is the dream audience for JC2033. To see this unity in cultural and theological diversity is incredible!" Olivier, therefore, encouraged everyone in his or her call and mission to seize the opportunity to celebrate 2000 years since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Among the guests was Ricardo Luna, head of Transform World 2033. Ricardo and Olivier met briefly in 2014 in Macon, France, at a Transform World 2020 meeting.
After nine years without contact, they met again in Turkey. Olivier was surprised to learn that Ricardo Luna had changed Transform World 2020 to Transform World 2033 following their initial meeting!

Ricardo Luna (à droite) et Olivier Fleury

A visionary, Ricardo Luna is determined to lift 2,033 Latin American villages out of poverty by 2033! This action is in line with his vision of revitalizing the Church to transform society.
This meeting in Istanbul is undoubtedly a testimony to God's faithfulness to JC2033, but also a testimony to Ricardo Luna’s activity.

See Ricardo Luna's testimonial and encouragement on video: video
See the Transform World 2033 website: WEB
See the article by Forum pour le Futur de l'Evangile: WEB