A Catholic Couple Becomes JC2033 Ambassador in Quebec

JC2033 now has ambassadors in Quebec! On October 24, Lucie and Sébastien Cloutier were sent to this mission by Mgr Louis Corriveau, bishop of the city of Joliette, in the Lanaudière region. 

This couple of young people in their forties has been walking for ten years with the Chemin Neuf community, which brings together Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox. “One of the purposes of this community is to work for Christian unity. So we were already prepared for an inter-Church project like JC2033,” shares Sébastien. 

Encountering other denominations, a richness

In 2019, when Lucie and Sébastien discovered this global celebration project for the 2000th anniversary of the Resurrection of Christ, they were immediately enthusiastic, but also impressed by its magnitude. After a presentation given by Olivier Fleury, then a time of sharing and prayer, the young couple happily accepted to join the JC2033 Quebec Committee alongside Pastor Laurent Gerber and other church representatives from the region. For Lucie and Sébastien, being in contact with believers of different denominations is an enrichment for their faith: "It seems to us that we get to know Jesus Christ better when Christians from other traditions share with us how they experience their relationship with him.  We somehow become better Christians. I am very fond of evangelical worship, I am fascinated by the charismatic deployment of the Pentecostals, I admire the biblical knowledge of the Baptists, I like the traditional richness of song and literature of the Orthodox, etc. “, notes Sébastien in particular. 

Developing the vision in Quebec

That said, how do you go about developing the JC2033 vision in Quebec parishes? For Lucie and Sébastien, it is above all a question of sharing with those around them their joy at being sent as ambassadors: “This can be contagious among other Catholics”. But they also want each diocese in Quebec (and even in Canada) to have people involved in JC2033. And if possible, with one ambassador per diocese. To do this, the couple plans to contact each diocese, to send the teaser of their missionary mission and to meet the bishops to offer them to embark on the ship JC2033: “The bishop is a pioneer; it is the first to send lay missionaries in such a project for the world. When a bishop takes an initiative, it creates a precedent and others can follow his example in their diocese”, explains Sébastien. Of course, he and his wife are counting on the help of the Holy Spirit to accomplish this mission. Social networks will also be useful to spread the vision in the next decade.

A dream: the full Olympic stadium 

The celebration of the Resurrection in 2033? Lucie and Sébastien imagine the Olympic stadium in Montreal being full, because it is the place in the region that can hold the most people. In the 1970s, during the charismatic renewal, up to 75,000 people gathered there. For JC2033, the Catholic couple hopes to see as many crowds in this stadium, while also imagining smaller gatherings. Regarding the duration, they do not envisage a day or a week of festivities, but gatherings spread over the whole year! And Sébastien  rejoiced saying: “I am sure that in our region, the cathedral of Joliette will be full to bursting. Also large parks, with all kinds of festivities and this, in the presence of the First Nations (Amerindians). It will be a time of joy and coming closer to Jesus”.

What does the Resurrection of Jesus change in their lives?

Lucia: The Resurrection changes everything. Christ died and rose again, and that is the source of my joy. In my adolescence, I had a rather difficult experience, but the presence of Christ changed my life: my whole existence became full of meaning... Through Him, I have Life in abundance! 

Sébastien : It's something magnificent! As a teenager, I had a rather “rock and roll” journey, I was able to experience the Love of God and see the Lord who died on the Cross to save me. His resurrection nourishes my spirituality; let us remain centered on the risen Jesus, victorious over all our “deaths”.

Sandrine Roulet

Next - Easter Resources 22

Previous - A JC2033 Committee Launched in Quebec