Bringing the Gospel to 100,000 Swiss Homes

Mr, Guy Parmelin, President of the Swiss Confederation, has agreed to write the editorial for the newspaper "Quart d'heure pour l'essentiel" which will bring the gospel to 100,000 letterboxes in Switzerland before Ascension.

"I am with you every day, until the end of the world". This is Good News, and JC2033 and the Alliance Press invite you to share this message with others around you. Indeed, this biblical promise constitutes the essential message of the next edition of "Quart d'heure".

A futuristic transcription of the Ascension and Pentecost narratives as well as surveys, portraits, and testimonies will complete the summary for the next "Quart d'heure pour l'essentiel" with one goal: To stimulate reflection and discussion around Christ and existential questions.

The journal will be available at the end of March 2021 for online viewing; however, it is already possible to sponsor its distribution in the municipalities of French-speaking Switzerland that are important to you. To support this edition or to view the edition follow this link