Chronicles of Norway

February 17th  - 19th 2020, we met several leaders of Churches and Movements in Norway to share the vision of the initiative, "Jesus Celebration 2033" (JC2033). An invitation to a pilgrimage towards 2033, the jubilee of the 2000th Anniversary of the Resurrection of Christ. Attending a meeting of the Christian Council of Churches was the peak of these intense days. 

"Welcome to Portugal," said  Antonio Quinteirio;  the Country's Ambassador,when he opened the door of the " Portugauese Embassy", where  I stayed during these few days in Oslo. Olivier Fleury joined me for my last night there.  

A volunteer of the Focolare Movement, my generous host welcomed me with great fraternity and took me, for the first evening, to the local community of this movement to which I am connected.

A “Road to Emmaus” towards 2033

The evening started with a meditation. I chose to talk about, “The Road to Emmaus” on which I had just walked with around thirty people and to make the link between this story, the presence of the Risen One among us and the walk towards 2033.

The Community Made the following Contributions

“The story of the Road to Emmaus is one of the most beautiful texts I know. I love the disciples' surprise and the unusual way in which Jesus entered their lives. The disciples were desperate. This story also tells me the importance of sharing my difficulties, not just my successes. And to be open to others who can help me on this path,”said Elma echoing the thoughts  in my meditation.

She was touched by Olivier’s Vision: the people of God from all places and all Churches uniting in the celebration of the 2000th Anniversary  of the Resurrection of Jesus. It is so important that such a project starts from the ground up, not just the authorities. She will pray that we meet the people who have the grace to understand this project. "This celebration must begin today in me," she also added. 

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With the community of Oslo Focolare

Roy, a Filipino, was touched by  the disciples' joy. An even greater joy than the one he has just experienced after finding his forgotten cell phone on a bus!  

Anita, from Sweden said, it is good to take time to invite guests to this celebration. How will the churches be in 2033? The Church of the future will be much more modest: small communities where people see the joy of the Gospel.

Concerning the division between the Orthodox Church and the other Churches over the date of Easter, she welcomes our call to celebrate Easter on a common date in 2033 and remembers that an Orthodox friend had told her that he did not allow the moon to decide our unity!

As for Antonio, my host ambassador, he pointed out that "Focolare" means fire in Italian. Fire is another word for the Holy Spirit. However, at Emmaus, the hearts of the disciples were burning. But to share in this fire, namely the presence of Christ in us and in our midst, we have to lose our selfish self. We are the fuel: our "old man" must burn.  

For Anne, who comes from Holland, the discovery of the presence of the Risen One among us was very important for her faith. She is delighted that many people will discover Jesus through our initiative. 

She wonders how to reach the Norwegians, because at Easter they are more on the ski slopes than in the churches. In Oslo, it is even said that there are, at this time of the year, only Catholics who do not know how to ski, the majority coming from Poland, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. It is a very secularized society, certainly spiritual but not religious. 

Restating the meaning of the resurrection

Having directed the Swiss Bible Society for several years, a step - almost obligatory - of my travels for JC2033 is to visit the local Bible Society.

The next morning, I had an appointment with two “Bible Society men”!

I first arrived in front of the Norwegian Bible Society building. Its General Secretary, Paul Erik Wirgenes, was waiting for me at the entrance and asked me why I had arrived in a car with diplomatic plates! 

He first informed me about the important work of the Bible Society: it is the fourth largest donor to the Universal Bible Alliance for World Biblical Mutual Aid, it is working on the transition to digital to meet new reading habits despite the importance of Bible sales. They have just published a new translation in Sami, a language of Lapland.

P E Wirgenes was responsible for organizing two important celebrations: one on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the founding of Norway in 2014; the other for the 500th Anniversary  of the Reformation in 2017, when he was Director of Internal Affairs for the (Lutheran) Church in Norway. 

This meant that the project concerning 2033 connects with him. “The year 2033 will be an opportunity for the Church to present the meaning of Christ's resurrection to society. It will also be a challenge for the Bible Society. I understand your vision: you can count on our commitment, ”he told me.

"Celebrating the Way of Jesus"

At noon, Ole Christian Kvarme, the Lutheran Bishop Emeritus of Oslo, awaited me in front of the cathedral. He took me to a  nearby restaurant. We were both members of the same European Committee, when he led the Bible Society in Oslo and I in Switzerland.  We have been in contact ever since. I saw him again last year and shared with him the vision of a worldwide preparation for the Jubilee of the Resurrection in 2033.Une image contenant personne, table, intérieur, mur    Description générée automatiquement

With Ole Christian Kvarme 

Barely seated, he told me that this idea had inspired him and he shared his thoughts with me. 

At the time he had chaired the preparation committee for the Jubilee of the 2000th Anniversary of the Birth of Jesus, he said  it had not been difficult to motivate people to celebrate Christmas (which is part of Norwegian culture), but he wonders what will be the response of the Norwegians for the 2000th anniversary  of the Resurrection of Christ. Easter, for them, is more linked to the beginning of spring, to nature and the last ski outings, than to resurrection and redemption. 

He asked me if we had a “slogan” and suggested “Celebrating the Way of Jesus”, to mark the invitation of the Risen One to walk with him. He also welcomed our initiative to invite people to walk on the road to Emmaus and sees other possible walks during the years marking the public life of Jesus, from 2030 to 2033, in Galilee in particular. 

Visits to Evangelical Movements

Joakim Magnus, head of the Youth With A Missionin  based in Oslo, launched the “Prayer for Oslo” initiative which brings together Christians from various churches four times a year.


With Joachim Magnus and Eivind Arnevaag

He informed us about the success of the Bible Program for young people. Every Tuesday over 500 young adults study  the Bible over a two year period. 

We will keep the perspective of 2033 in mind in our meetings. In fact it all starts with the conversation: take the time to visit each other, to sit down together,”he told me.  

With him, I also met Eivind Arnevaag, a renowned footballer in Norway,  a Lutheran touched by the charismatic renewal and testifying to his faith in sport. He launched three interfaith prayer houses and organizes summer camps for children. 

Whilst I was in Oslo, Olivier Fleury went to Bergen and joined me the next day. Here are the impressions of his meetings: 

Mary-Elizabeth Korlsrud greeted me with a huge smile at Bergen airport. It was raining heavily. Her husband Ole-Martin then welcomed us to their apartment.

We exchanged news since it had been three and a half years since we last saw each other. Mary-Elizabeth led the praise at our JC2033 gathering in Burtigny in September 2017.

We were joined by Kristian Bjorkhaug, the young manager of Normisjon (western region of Norway), a large Norwegian Mission. We talked about our two “Missions” and a possible partnership. The first step of our collaboration would be the participation of Kristian and Mary-Elizabeth in the International JC2033 meeting which will take place in Egypt from November 16 to 20, 2020.

Kristian told me with conviction: "When I heard about JC2033, I immediately said to myself that I would like to get involved in this movement

The four of us, as we opened our hearts, felt the same spirit within us. We serve the same Savior and the same cause. We decided to meet again soon to more precisely define the conditions for future collaboration. To be continued!

With the Norwegian Christian Council

On Wednesday February 19th, we had the privilege of presenting JC2033 to the Norwegian Christian Council. More than 25 leaders, representing the majority of churches in Norway were present, including two Lutheran Bishops and the Catholic Bishop of Oslo. 

We were welcomed by the General Secretary Erhard Hermansen and its President Berit Hagen Agoy kindly gave us the floor.

Olivier and I present JC2033 alternately, with seriousness and enthusiasm. Then came the questions: several board members were encouraging, some skeptical or even critical. Between us, the commitment  and unity of our responses brought clarity and calm.

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Meeting with the Christian Council of Norway

Here are some reactions: "It is wonderful to see a movement that puts Jesus at the center to prepare for the 2000th anniversary  of his resurrection". "It is Christ who unites us: on the occasion of 2033, we will be able to demonstrate it." The Christian Council had prepared the jubilee of the 2000th anniversary  of the Birth of Jesus, but, while the year 2000 also had a secular dimension, 2033 will be specific to Christians. "Celebrating the risen Jesus among all Christians would be fantastic," said another.  

Others asked for clarification. "Thank you, but you know how the Norwegians are: they have to think about it first!" The questions of the relationship between the Council and JC2033 and that of setting up an office in Norway were particularly discussed. Should we start a new structure or should the preparation of the Jubilee be the responsibility of the Christian Council? In any case, such an event must be rooted in the life of the Churches. It is necessary to put in the blow all the Churches and organizations present around the table. And certainly others! 

After an intense discussion, the president concluded by asserting with conviction: "we can tell you that there will be a great celebration in Norway in 2033"!  

Ecumenism Around a Table

Next we meet for a meal in an Italian restaurant, Olivier, I and three natives who represent the ecclesial diversity of Norway: Hans Aage Gravaas, responsible for Standards (Norwegian Council for Mission and Evangelization , the Norwegian branch of the Evangelical Alliance and the Lausanne Movement). Jemi Grosse-Venhaus, a Catholic and enthusiastic member of the Focolare Movement, and Berit Hagen Agoy, President of the Christian Council of Norway, also Director of the Council for Ecumenical Affairs and International Relations of the (Lutheran) Church in Norway.

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From left to right: Martin Hoegger, Olivier Fleury, Hans Aage Gravaas, Berit Hagen, Jemi Grosse-Venhaus

The presence of the risen Jesus among us is a gift. This is what sets us apart as Christians, but we cannot force it. When I heard about this initiative I was very happy. It's like a dream come true,”said Jemi Grosse-Venhaus.

She remembers the first international telephone connection between members of the Focolare Movement in the early 1980s, and she was greatly moved at the end,  by a prayer, they all said together in unity around the world. Today, it technically means that we are a thousand times more powerful and important. What will happen in 2033? May they also be at the service of the Announcement of the Resurrection and let this message spread faster than the “Coronavirus”!

For Berit Hagen, a celebration of the 2000th Anniversary  of the Resurrection must include all the Churches, as well as those stemming from migration. She wondered if Christians have become more timid in proclaiming the Gospel because of the presence of other religions? This Jubilee will be specifically Christian, while that of the thousand years of the Martyrdom of St. Olav, planned for 2030, will have a more civil and political dimension. 

Berit continued, the challenge is also to involve the young, because they are the ones who will be active in 2033. She rightly told me that there is a lack of testimonies from women in my presentation of statements by Church Leaders during the meeting with the Christian Council. After all, the first witnesses to the resurrection of Christ were women!    

Hans Aage Gravaas advises us to focus on what unites us. “The message is to give a sign of unity around Christ. Your presence with us is very interesting. Each Church has its contours. But you offer us a pilgrimage to a goal, the risen Christ. And it is he, the Risen One, who unites us!"

A Common Goal

Our host, Antonio Quinteiro that evening invited us to a jazz concert organized by the Italian Embassy. After the concert, we had the opportunity to share our vision of JC2033 with the Ambassadors of Italy and Georgia. The latter, Maia Kipshidze, invited us to come to her country and confirmed it to us the next day by email. 

Back at the “Portuguese Embassy”, our host shared with us his reflections on JC2033 which confirmed what A. Gravaas had just said to us: “The idea is original, brilliant, but also disconcertingly simple. A truly attractive and inspired initiative that gives a common goal to all Christians! Why didn't you think of it before?"

The following day, with hearts filled with gratitude, we flew to Geneva with the confidence of having sown seeds of hope among many spiritual leaders  in Norway.

Martin Hoegger

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