Discover a Different Christian Tradition

This Easter we challenge you to discover how other Christians Celebrate Easter and to share it with our Community.

As we work towards the 2000 year celebrations and The Decade of The Resurrection, we need to take time to better understand our global Christian family. As we can see from this Easter greeting from our friend His Excellency Bishop Thomas this journey of discovery can be very rewarding. We offer two options dependant on what you like. The quick challenge for goal oriented people and the longer pathway for those who like to reflect.

The quick challenge, for goal oriented people, select your action steps, make it happen:


Invite someone from a Christian denomination unfamiliar to you to a coffee and sharing time. Discover what Easter means to them.
Find and join an online Easter Service from a church of a different tradition. Join in this act of celebration and reflect on what riches God has shown you through this different experience of worship together.


Over the Easter period, participate in a unity prayer meeting in your area, or start one.
Identify projects in your local area that need more support, and work together as churches to assist them.


Watch the online JC2033 Prime Time and celebrate Easter with a global perspective.
Consider what barriers exist for Christian Unity. Be informed and commit to regular prayer for these topics.

A longer pathway for those who prefer to reflect.

So that the World may know that Jesus is sent by the Father who loves us.

A Reflection from John 17

It is the final days of the earthly ministry of Jesus. He has explained to the disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and on the third-day rise.

As He turns in prayer to father, what is on His mind? What are the concerns, hopes, and desires He has for his disciples, and the Church? His prayer recorded in John 17 is the longest prayer of Jesus recorded in Scripture and a key passage for the JC2033 movement.

Although the words are familiar to us, let's reflect on them once again and allow the urgency and importance of this prayer to touch us in new ways. As we approach Easter 22 how do our prayers and desires align with those of Jesus?

We have 3 questions to help guide us in this challenge.

Global: As we work together towards 2033, what ways of journeying together could Christians explore that would lead us into a better future?

Local: Christian Unity is often advanced more easily when local churches operate together on a specific project. How have you experienced this in your local area?

Personal: When have you been inspired to take the lead in working towards Christian Unity. Is Christian Unity your priority?

It's Time for Action! 

How can we go further in our practice of Christian Unity? Here are some steps we could take to move forward personally.


Invite someone from a Christian denomination unfamiliar to you to a coffee and sharing time. Discover what Easter means to each other.
Find and join an online Easter Service from a church of a different tradition. Join in this act of celebration and reflect on what riches God has shown you through this different experience of worship together.


Over the Easter period, participate in a unity prayer meeting in your area, or start one.
Identify projects in your local area that need more support, and work together as churches to assist them.


Watch the online JC2033 Prime Time and celebrate Easter with a global perspective.
Consider what barriers exist for Christian Unity. Be informed and commit to regular prayer for these topics.

Next - Jesus In The Cinema

Previous - Easter Resources 2022

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