Giving a Sign of Unity in 2033. Meeting with the Taizé Community

From September 9 - 11, 2024, the staff of JC2033 International held their annual retreat at the Taizé Community in Burgundy. They were welcomed by its prior, Brother Matthew, who encouraged them to move forward with faith on the road to 2033.

For most it was their first contact with this large community founded in the 1940s by the Swiss Brother Roger Schutz. Taizé has become a place where countless young people have discovered Christ and where Christians of all denominations meet. 

We were welcomed by Brother Raymon who shared with us his call to become a Taizé brother while he was training for pastoral ministry in a Protestant church in Indonesia. 

"I realized that the most important thing is to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying in our heart and to follow Him. In Taizé I discovered a new spiritual family. Finally, I am living the pastoral ministry for which I was ordained with countless young people", he told us.

Our meetings were interspersed with times of prayer–the heart of the community's life–personal listening to God, sharing and conviviality. It was a blessed and renewing three days. 

On the first evening, after the prayer, Brother Raymon took us to the back of the Church of Reconciliation to meet Brother Matthew, the Prior of Taizé. 

Lulled by the songs of the prayer, we briefly explained to him the purpose of the JC2033 initiative. He told us how happy he is wtih this initiative. We told him of our hope that in 2025 the leaders of the Churches would agree to call on the people of God to prepare together for the Jubilee of 2033. 

At the end of our meeting, he prayed that the journey towards 2033 will unite all Christians so that we can bear witness to the Risen Jesus.

In particular, he prayed that Church leaders will journey together, united by the Holy Spirit, so that glory may be given to God, who sent his Son to show us the depths of his love. 

Avec Frère MatthewBrother Matthew with Olivier Fleury and Martin Hoegger

The next morning, Olivier and I were able to meet Brother Matthew again to film a short video in which we asked him how he sees the march towards 2033. Here are his encouraging words: 

“It's been a great joy to welcome you, to listen to you and to try to journey together with you and to be part of this movement. We hope that it will bring together Christians from all different backgrounds, horizons and traditions. Because I think if we follow Jesus, then we have at heart his prayer in John chapter 17, that all may be one as He and the Father are one, so that the world may believe. There's something very strong there, that Jesus places the credibility of His mission on our capacity as His followers to love one another, to show a sign of unity and to journey together. So, what could be better than this opportunity to try and celebrate Easter on the 2000th anniversary of the resurrection of Jesus. Then I'm sure there will be great joy in heaven”.

This stay in Taizé has been a blessing for our team. We leave encouraged by our communion with the brothers, inspired by their witness to unity and strengthened by their Christ-centered prayer. 

Martin Hoegger

⬇ Watch Brother Matthew's video here ⬇