Global gathering, Geneva, Switzerland

26-28 February 2025

The Global Gathering live on YouTube

Every two years, JC2033 organises an international Gathering on a different continent. The last two took place in Egypt and Colombia. Above all, JC2033 wants to make room for a living person: The risen Jesus Christ. Through conferences, workshops and times of celebration, people from all backgrounds and churches encourage each other to make known the magnificent message of His resurrection.

Who is this aimed at?

  • European Movers and shaker
  • Global JC2033 ambassadors
  • Local leaders, pastors and priests


  • Vision casting and mobilizing
  • Modelling roles and actions
  • Empowering to have an impact in your own country

The evenings are open to the public (registration required, offering)

Detailed program: Link

Speakers (in alphabetical order)

Sara Akhavan, Beat Baummann (GO & Great Commission Network), Thierry Bourgeois (Evangelical Network, Geneva), Yves Bulundwe (Evangelical Network, Lausanne), Young Cho (Billion Soul Harvest), Dr. James Hwang (Billion Soul Harvest), Jay Chowdhury (JC2033 ambassador), Tatiana Dobrodey (Grain of Wheat), David Drum (J17 Ministries), Olivier Fleury (JC2033 International), Martin Hoegger (JC2033 International), Fréderic Keller (Reformed Church, Canton of Vaud), Vincent Lafargue (Catholic Church, Canton of Vaud), Elias Myrianthous (Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, Cyprus), Laurent Gerber (Youth With A Mission, Quebec), Mina Nemr Hanna (Coptic Orthodox Church, Geneva), Hetty Overeem (Evangile en Chemin, Reformed Church), Jerry Pillay (World Council of Churches, Geneva), Catherine Riedlinger (Catholic Church, Geneva)

Meet the evening guest speakers

With the participation of the following movements :

Billion Soul Harvest, John 17 Ministry, Calories for Life, Focolari, Écho Louange Geneva, Great Commission Network, Go Movement, Interjeunes Geneva, Fasting together, Mission for Unity, Noor, Pasqua Together 2025.

For the "Unity Night" of 27. January, see here

Swiss Francs 250.–

Location of the Gathering:  Espace Lumen, Rue des Buis 9, 1202 Geneva

Lodging / Hotel: each participant organizes and pays for their lodging. It is best to look for a hotel in the area of “Paquis” in Geneva. More information is in the attached document “Practical info and terms and conditions.

Travel: From Geneva airport, take a train to Geneva center (10 minutes by train).
Espace Lumen is 700m (= 15 minutes walking distance) from the Geneva train station.


Practical info and terms and conditions

