JC2033 World Gathering, a look back in pictures

250 lights for the nations! That's how many of you were in Geneva for the World Gathering.

From February 26 to 28, 2025, the Pâquis district was abuzz. Hosted at Espace Lumen, JC2033 ambassadors from all over the world gathered to share three days of workshops, praise and connections with the central theme: Jesus, His ministry, His death and His resurrection.

Opening Night (February 26, 2025)

A survivor of an Iranian prison and a former magician, discover the striking testimonies of faith of Sarah Akhavan and Vincent Lafargue. 

You can view the highlights of the evening by clicking on one of the links:

  • Opening message from Olivier Fleury (video)

  • Testimony of Sara Akhavan, Iran (video)

  • Watch the whole evening (video)

Unity morning (February 27, 2025)

“When institutions seek unity, they build the Tower of Babel and the golden calf. Unity is found in gathering around Christ. And so it is the gathering of the children of God, listening to the Word and at the foot of the cross.” Pastor Frédéric Keller. Relive the experiences of unity of our guests.  

You can view the highlights of the evening by clicking on one of the links:

  • The Emmaus Road by Martin Hoegger (video)

  • Round table on Unity with: Catherine Riedlinger (Catholic Church), Pastor Frédéric Keller (Reformed Church), Father Mina Hanna (COPTIC Church) and Pastor Thierry Bourgeois (Evangelical Church) (video)

  • Testimonial by Tatiana Dobrodey (Russia) and Jay Chowdhury (Canada - India) (video)

  • Watch the entire morning (video)

Ambassadors' workshops (February 27, 2025)

Jesus is Risen! Let us live together the values of Unity, Witness and Celebration in our nations. Let us spread the JC2033 vision so that the world may know that He is Risen! There is a place for you, discover the movement now:

You can view the highlights of the evening by clicking on one of the links:

  • JC2033, what is it? Aurore Girardet (video)

  • Who are our Ambassadors? Barbara Allan (video)

  • “Jesus wants to sit at your table and eat with you” Olivier Fleury (video)

  • Watch the whole workshop (video)

Unity night (February 27, 2025)

"As we approach the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of Jesus' resurrection, let us pay greater attention to the need for Christian unity! The celebration of 1700 years of Nicaea this year is a good opportunity to give new impetus to this endeavor, knowing that Jesus prayed and called Christians to pray, to walk and work together so that the world may believe. Read the speech by Dr. Jerry Pillay, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC).

You can view the highlights of the evening by clicking on one of the links:

  • “Today at 2033, unite for Jesus.” Olivier Fleury (video)

  • Testimonial by Laurent Gerber (Quebec) (video)

  • “2033, an Opportunity for Unity” Jerry Pillay WCC General Secretary (video)

  • Watch the whole evening (video)

Witness morning (February 28, 2025)

Eighteen years ago, Olivier Fleury received the vision JC2033: Celebrating together, the 2000th anniversary of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are all witnesses of Christ through proclamation, through our daily lives or acts of faith. Discover the stories of our guests.

You can view the highlights of the evening by clicking on one of the links:

  • Testimonials (video)

  • The Emmaus Road by Martin Hoegger (video)

  • Watch the whole morning (video)

Global Prayer (February 28, 2025)

The end-of-month Global Prayer took place live from Geneva. 56 nations were present in Geneva and online, to pray for the world.

You can watch the Worldwide Prayer (1h) by clicking on this link (video)

Celebration night (February 28, 2025)

Unity in Christ is interdenominational, intercultural and intergenerational. Praise the Lord guided by ECHO, be encouraged and sent by Pastor Yves Bulundwe:

You can view the highlights of the evening by clicking on one of the links:

  • Praise with the band Echo (video)

  • Olivier Fleury (video)

  • Pastor Yves Bulundwe (video)

You can watch the entire World Meeting on video here:

Watch the entire meeting

Photos by Ivars Kupcis and JC2033