Rome Chronicles III

Vatican, November 9, 2016. This morning the doors of the Secret Archives of the Vatican open. We met the prefect, Bishop Sergio Pagano before receiving our personal access cards. Visiting these archives illustrates, for us, one of the charismas of the Catholic Church. Everything is very well organized!


How to begin a research on the Jubilees of the Catholic Church? Jason, Martin and Olivier, consult the huge file. Quickly they realize that they must have a global vision. So, they start an internet search, find interesting information and make a bibliography. Having an access card, they will be able to return to the archives later.

The tradition of the Jubilee began in 1300. Pope Boniface VIII took the decision to celebrate it, under the pressure from the population. Progressively the tradition was established to mark every 25 years by a jubilee. It was not until 1933 that the "Jubilee of Redemption" began to be celebrated. John Paul II repeated it in 1983 for the 1950 years. By proposing a "Jubilee of Mercy" in 2016, Pope Francis has made a radical innovation!

What will the Jubilee of 2033 look like? This is still for the worldwide church to decide. If the people of God want it ... the leaders will listen to it, as in 1300: "Vox populi, vox Dei"!

JC2033 dreams that all who believe in the resurrection would be empowered to demonstrate Christ’s love to the world.

Martin Hoegger