The Midway Celebration

March 27, 2020 is the exact day between receiving the vision in Sydney in 2007 and achieving the vision in the world in 2033! We just had to do something and despite the restrictions and challenges what a celebration we lived together. All Glory to God!

The middle of the way is a good place to look back and be grateful. It's also a good time to look at what we've achieved so far and see if we're aligned with the original vision. It is finally in the present that we must position ourselves firmly in faith to imagine the future. 

On this page you will find all the resources connected to this great evening. Stay connected as we push on together for the next 13yrs, in our quest to ensure that everyone on the planet hears the good news that Jesus Christ is Risen!


Dr. Benny Prasad addesses the Midway Party via video link.

Ambassadors from around the world share their enthusiasm at the Midway Party.

An animated timeline of the past 13yrs.

Meet the Swiss team.
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