The Primate of Canada's Missionary Drive

Paul Mackey - Michael Brugger - Laurent Gerber - Le Cardinal Cyprien Lacroix - Yves Patrick Augustin - Sébastien Cloutier

An historic meeting, imbued with simplicity and faith, with Cardinal Cyprien Lacroix, Archbishop of the Diocese of Quebec and Primate of Canada. The desire to walk together takes shape with enthusiasm.

On the image above, from left to right:
Paul Mackey - Michael Brugger - Laurent Gerber - Cardinal Cyprien Lacroix - Yves Patrick Augustin - Sébastien Cloutier

On December 12, 2023, at the Archdiocese of Quebec, a delegation from the JC2033* Committee had a private audience with Archbishop Lacroix. After the Cardinal's welcome address, our leader Laurent Gerber thanked him for his availability, despite his many commitments. He then presented the history of JC2033 and its DNA of unity, witness and celebration.

The Cardinal listened attentively, and spoke enthusiastically of this exceptional opportunity to celebrate Jesus with other churches, "gathered for one and the same cause". The Primate of Canada, in a missionary impulse, invited us to take an active part in the 350th anniversary of the Diocese of Quebec (the first diocese north of Mexico), already reserving the dates of November 15, 16 and 17, 2024. He calls on us to celebrate God's faithfulness over all these years, and to have the audacity to bear witness to Jesus' Resurrection to Quebecers in the run-up to 2033.

What a privilege it is to unite Christians of different denominations to worship and bear witness to the work of the Risen Lord in the world through this event! We feel invested with a wonderful mission: "to make the prayer of Jesus our own prayer, who was the first to pray for unity and to bear witness so that the world may know".

Happy about this meeting, we parted after praying the Our Father to remain in communion with God and to remember how much Jesus wants to adopt all Christians and all humanity.

Yves Patrick Augustin and Laurent Gerber 
(JC2033 ambassadors in Quebec)

*JC2033 was represented by Sébastien Cloutier, Yves Patrick Augustin of the Communauté du Chemin Neuf and Laurent Gerber, pastor at l'Assomption. They were accompanied by Michael Brugger, pastor in Quebec City, and Paul Mackey, ecumenical respondent for the Diocese of Quebec and co-responsible for the Christian Interfaith Council in the Quebec City region.

Find out more about JC2033 in French-speaking Canada:
A catholic couple becomes ambassador for JC2033 in Quebec
A JC2033 Committee Launched in Quebec