Ukrainian Chronicles III

The peculiarity of the “Jesus Celebration 2033” movement (JC2033) is that it calls on all churches to walk together towards the two thousand years of the Resurrection of Christ. Thus, the tent of the ecumenical space widens to all the churches. One step of our trip to Ukraine was spent visiting the vibrant Evangelical and Pentecostal churches.

With Sasha Volyanyk, Director of Youth in Mission in Ukraine, we arrive at an old abandoned Soviet factory. What a contrast between the outside and the inside, very neat! Olivier Fleury meets Vitali Voznuk, bishop of the Church of God, a great Pentecostal Church present in all cities of Ukraine: “This project comes from the heart of God”, he says, “we must not miss this opportunity to promote the resurrection of Christ. This echoes in my heart and I want to take up this challenge to promote it in Ukraine”.

V. Voznuck (see photo opposite) sees signs of unity in evangelization, for example with the charismatic Catholics, very close to them. A little nod: the same day, Pope Francis took part, in Rome, in a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal where Pentecostals were invited!

Olivier then participated in one of the Sunday services with 600 people. This church is building an auditorium for 7,000 people.

We then visit Anatoly Kozachok, bishop of another Pentecostal church. He thinks that the Church is experiencing the awakening prophesied by Hudson Taylor (a 19th century evangelist) about Ukraine. One of the signs is the unity of Christians. Regarding JC2033, he thinks it takes events to prepare for this event, with a specific goal every month of the previous year.

Then we go to the Institute for Religious Freedom to meet Olexandr Zaets. He too is committed to Christian unity. He works not only with all the churches but also for a dialogue between them and the government. He was one of the main actors of the “Ukrainian Presidential Breakfast” last week.
O. Zaets volunteered spontaneously to support many of our appointments. “My heart resonates with this project, especially the fact that it calls Christians to unity and puts Christ first. Thank you for coming to Ukraine to share this impossible mission! We need to see each other again soon”.

Dreaming of the unity of all Christians

“It's a significant and important project. I have great joy in my heart. I am at your side and will pray for you”, says Sergei Moroz, bishop of the Baptist Church who came to Kiev following the conflict in Donbas.

Olivier Fleury, Sergei Moroz and Sasah Volyanyk

On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the President of the Ukraine gave a positive signal by supporting demonstrations. This anniversary has fostered unity among Protestants. “I am delighted by your project which is of another magnitude: it allows us to dream of the unity of all Christians”.
Nadia Kupriyonok, national director of the Foundation “Grain de Blé “, welcomes us to her office in the northern suburbs of Kiev. This work began in Lausanne, Switzerland, under the leadership of the André family. It organizes 200 camps hosting 17'000 children per year in all provinces of Ukraine.

She shows us a catalog of activities in the Ukraine for the 500 years of the Reformation. An idea to take over for 2033, she suggests! “The heart of our mission are the children. We encourage you to give them a great place for the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus!”

Invited by Michaël Cherenkoff, director of the Eurasia mission, Olivier was able to present JC2033 to about fifty leaders of various missions from Belarus, Russia, Georgia, and Armenia. The theme of this evening was a reflection on the state of evangelical churches in Eurasia, based on a study conducted over several years.
The 2033 project was welcomed with great openness. Several discussions with leaders were promising for the future. We will meet Michaël Cherenkoff again at the Social and Ecumenical Week where he will give a lecture on a Protestant approach to unity.

In a good restaurant in Kiev, Raphael Lods, our young photographer, Sasha Volyanyk, and Olivier meet Boris and Nadia Grisenko, pastors and founders of the largest messianic church in Europe.

Boris and Nadia Grisenko Messianic pastors

These are very emotional when Olivier tells them that he has received confirmation of his vision in Israel. “I have no doubt that this vision comes from God. That in 2033 all the disciples of Jesus can dance together with joy”, exclaims the rabbi!

He then invited Olivier to give an interview to a television he founded and then to participate in the Shabbat worship. Olivier then presented JC2033 to about a thousand people. At the end of the service the rabbi asked the whole Church to pray for this project. He knelt beside Olivier and the whole Church interceded aloud.

Prayer always reminds us that “out of Christ we can do nothing” (John 15,5)!