What is the link between an August 1st brunch and the Desert of Egypt?

Five homes opened their doors and welcomed around 80 people to their tables during "Brunches" or "Barbecues" on August 1st. The goal was, of course, to live a beautiful moment of conviviality, but also to give information about the next conference of JC2033 in Egypt and to find sponsors to invite Christian leaders from the Arab world.

Gathering around a good meal, getting to know new people in a family setting, is always nice. It was still necessary to take the first step! All the feedbacks are very positive: it is worth meeting others. 

The purpose of these meetings was also to inform about an important stage of JC2033: the next international gathering that will take place in Egypt, in the desert region of Wadi Natroun where several monasteries exist since the 4th century (the oldest in Christendom!). https://www.jc2033.world/en/eventsen/cairo-2021.html 

This meeting will take place in the Monastery of Anafora which was founded 25 years ago by Anba Thomas, a very charismatic Coptic bishop. It is a popular place for prayer, healing and meetings. https://www.facebook.com/Anafora.eg

We are in constant contact with a working group made up of people from various churches in Egypt to prepare this gathering, which will take place at the end of September.


The martyrs weld Egypt and Switzerland together!

Did you know there has been a long and strong link between Egypt and our country? Egyptian Christians – Maurice and his many companions, Urs, Victor, Verena, Felix, Regula – crisscrossed Switzerland and gave their lives for the love of Christ, from Saint Maurice to Zurich, via Solothurn.

Indeed, "these Christian martyrs unite Egypt and Switzerland", the headline of a French article reads. https://www.cath.ch/newsf/saint-maurice-sainte-verene-martyrs-chretiens-soudent-legypte-suisse/  

The priest of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Geneva, Father Mina, was kind enough to answer our questions on this subject. Unfortunately this informative video is only in French however Youtube will autogenerate a translation into English if you turn on subtitiles.

Thank you for your support!

Our guests have been generous and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts. Through their donations, they allow us to subsidize the participation of 9 JC2033 ambassadors at the Anafora Conference (4'500 CHF). Apart from this action, we were also able to find support for 34 other people for this gathering. We would like to invite you, too, to support the preparation of this conference. We would like to allow the participation of 50 ambassadors of JC2033 and church leaders from the Arab world. So, we still need to find seven times CHF 500.- to reach our goal.


Thank you in advance for your prayer and support!

The Christians of this region, as you know, need to be in touch with us! As 1700 years ago, martyrdom binds us together! 

If, perhaps, you want to go one step further by participating in this conference, do not hesitate to contact us! The monastery is vast and very welcoming!

PS: we also need to finance a simultaneous interpretation system (CHF 2'000.-)