An International Distinction - Jakarta 2019

During the general assembly of the World Evangelical Alliance in Jakarta in Indonesia, Olivier Fleury, founder and president of JC2033, received from the secretary-general, Éphraïm Tendero, an honorary distinction.

It is rare for evangelicals from all over the world to come together for a meeting of this importance. Indeed, the last time was 11 years ago, in Thailand. More than 800 delegates from almost 100 countries came together to  address the theme: “Let your reign come” The World Evangelical Alliance represents 600 million Evangelical Christians.

In addition to the leaders of the national and continental Evangelical alliances, high-ranking “observers” were invited. To note among them:

* Casely Essamuah, secretary general of the World Christian Forum

* Finnish WCC, head of the mission and evangelism department

* Mons. Juan Usma Gómez, head of the  service of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity at the Vatican

* Doug Birdsall former secretary general of the Lausanne Movement and architect of the Lausanne III conference in Cape Town, South Africa

These four guests were previously visited and informed of the plan to celebrate the 2000th year of the resurrection. They are all extremely supportive of this idea and offered very good advice from  their respective circles.

At the end of the morning of the 12th ofNovember, the Secretary General Efraim Tendero asked several “partners” to stand up. To our amazement, among several “partner” organizations and missions, he mentioned JC2033 and his president, Olivier Fleury. Later in the afternoon, a ceremony was held to thank the key players in this conference as well as the partners. This is where JC2033 received an honorary distinction for our partnership with the WEA.