Chronicles of Munich

This article describes my experience in Munich, where I spent a few days sharing the initiative of Jesus Celebration 2033. My first two chronicles help to discover the rich ecclesial diversity of this beautiful city. The third is in Ottmaring and Augsburg where I participated in the meeting for Together for Europe.


Chronicle I: Actors of Communion

Meetings with Giorgos Vlantis, Secretary General of the Community of Churches of Bavaria and with the Focolare Community of Munich.


Chronicle II: Meeting the Christian diversity of Munich

Meetings with Pastors Peter Soltnau, Secretary General of the Evangelical Alliance of Bavaria and Thomas Römer, Director of the Christian Youth Union, Fr. Alexandru Dan Nan, Romanian Orthodox Church, Florian Schuppe, Head of the Ecumanism of the Diocese Munich, Esther Klein, Head of Relations with the Spiritual Movements of the Diocese of Munich and Deacon Ralph Prausmüller, Head of Pilgrimages for the Diocese of Munich.


Chronicle III: Together for Europe in Ottmaring and Augsburg

"Together for Europe" and the Risen One among us. Interviews with Heinrich Walter, leader in the Schönstatt movement and with Christian Krause, former president of the Lutheran World Federation.