Chronicles of Arusha I

A delegate from Jesus Celebration 2033 had the opportunity to participate in the World Council of Churches conference on World Mission and Evangelisation in Arusha, Tanzania, and it was a particularly intense moment of the "oikumene" of the universal Church!


During this week of grace we were able to share, the vision of "Jesus Celebration 2033". The theme of this Conference: "Moving in the Spirit, called to Transforming Discipleship" is part of that vision. To be a disciple of Jesus is to walk in his path to live in the Holy Spirit who raised him from the dead. No life in the Spirit without putting the heart of our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus!

« Embracing the cross and the resurrection of Christ ».

Let's start with Africa, the continent most represented during this meeting, where the Church is growing the most. No doubt, Africa is the most enthusiastic for the vision of JC2033! In the first plenary session, we met Emanuel Josiah Udofia, who gave us three books on evangelism and conflict resolution.

His business card is impressive: "Primate of African Church Worldwide, President of the Christian Council of Nigeria, Bishop, President of Christian Councils in West Africa"! Very committed to evangelization and the unity of the churches, he smiled upon discovering the path of unity that JC2033 proposes: "If the churches bring Christ together, it has much more impact".

with the Bishop Emanuel Josiah Udofia

A growing church

On Sunday we went with ten participants to worship at the Lutheran Church of the Usa River, in the suburbs of Arusha where we met Sahaya Selvam of the Salesian congregation. Of Indian origin, he is a professor of spirituality at the Catholic University of East Africa.

The theme of the Arusha Conference is the call to be a disciple. He gave a remarkable Bible study on the Beatitudes published in the program for the disciples of Christ.

We also followed one of the workshops he animated on Ignatian spirituality. This is an opportunity to get to know each other better and share the vision of JC2033.

During the service , Martin Hoegger of JC2033 had the opportunity to present the vision to an assembly of about 300 people. He spoke in English while the bishop of the diocese of Arusha Eliasi Kitoi Nasari, translated into Swahili. So surprised to discover the vision, he had trouble translating it. That's when Sahaya Selvam came to his aid and explained it to him in Swahili. At the end of the worship, Martin thanked them reminising of other times when Aaron served as a spokesman for Moses!

We also approached the bishop seated next to Pastor Chris Fergusson, general secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches and preacher of the day. Martin explained that our website exists in 12 languages. "Is it also in Swahili?”. No, but with a little of your help we could have it translated. - “So I'll have it translated”, he answered ! As in the other dioceses of this great Lutheran Church, the emphasis is on evangelization. The bishop explained that he exercises his ministry with 70 pastors ... and 200 evangelists.

Chris Fergusson advised that the JC2033 team meet the new secretary of the World Christian Forum, present at this Conference and he will reflect on how the World Communion of Reformed Churches could stay in contact with JC2033.

Chris Fergusson and Eliasi Kitoi Nasari

At the Christian Council of Tanzania

While visiting the Tanzanian Christian Council booth, one of their collaborators, Ngassani William Magesse, welcomed JC2033 and explained the rich diaconal and evangelizing activity of this Council, supported by the great majority of the Churches. Joshua M Simbeye showed them the project of a six story building that will be the seat of the Council! He also drew his attention to a photograph showing two trucks belonging to the Council and carrying the goods that the churches needed for their diaconal tasks. Without explaining the project JC2033 at length, he immediately understood the opportunity that the project represents for a common testimony. In Tanzania, churches have learned to collaborate!

The next morning there was a meeting with Mrs. Ayoko Bahun-Wilson, Togolese Regional Coordinator of the initiative against HIV and AIDS in Africa (EHAIA) and Sister Aubierge Amoussou, from Benin, who belongs to the missionary sisters of the Society of Mary. What a pleasure to speak in French, in the middle of this English-speaking ocean!

On his right was Pastor Ammi Irako, President of the Reformed Church of Madagascar (FJKM), whom Martin had already met in Leipzig last year at the World Assembly of the World Communion of Reformed Churches.

He reiterated his appreciation that this project is centered on Christ: "We must return to the resurrection of Jesus, which is the foundation of our faith and the work of the Church."

Indigenous African Churches

At the end of an exciting workshop on the ecclesiology of emerging churches, we had an interview with Pastor Nicta Lubaale, Secretary-General of the Organization of African Instituted Churches combining more than 1000 churches
with Nicta Lubaale churches. After answering all his questions he asked about the great movement of African indigenous churches, we presented the project JC2033. "We absolutely want to be part of this great project," he exclaimed!

During the evening meal, a young man sats next to Martin. He is a pastor of one of these emerging churches: Deniss Aloyde Lyimo. He explained that he was "saved four years ago" and that for a year he has been a pastor of a 300-member congregation. He prepared himself with a two-weeks fast for this conference. He confided his need to be trained and asked for advice. Martin encouraged him to study, telling him that if wisdom comes from above, as a gift from the Holy Spirit ... studies are our part and we have to work at it. He is grateful for this way of understanding for the need to study. About JC2033 he said, "I want to be part of this vision and will post it right away on Facebook"!

March 2018, Martin Hoegger