Chronicles of Jerusalem I. Workers of Unity

It all began in Jerusalem, almost 2000 years ago, when one morning a woman came back from a tomb and announced to eleven dumbfounded men, "He is risen!" So we had to go to Jerusalem to share the vision of "Jesus Celebration 2033".

We, namely Olivier Fleury, director of JC2033, Shafique Keshavjee and Martin Hoeggar both Protestant pastors.

While waiting in Geneva airport, we had our morning coffee in the chapel. On the display stand we noticed a flyer "Speech of Life" from the Focolare movement, describing "Preparing to go up to Jerusalem, Jesus announced that the Kingdom of God was at hand. He clearly stated that his journey to Jerusalem would not lead to military triumph, but rather to rejection, suffering and death. He also reminded that he would rise again on the third day ... and then announced: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself and take his cross and follow me."(Matt 16:24)

Following Jesus is indeed our desire during these next eight days! Follow him by meeting some twenty leaders of various families of the Church. He alone, by the cross and resurrection, can unite us in God! We entrust him with these visits.Our first night is near the Jaffa Gate and the next are in a hostel by the gate of Damascus.

2033 : a magnet!

In the evening we cross the old town to go to our first rendezvous. The Community of Chemin Neuf awaits us at "Ecce Homo", on the "Via Dolorosa", the traditional place where Jesus was judged by Pilate.We climb to the top floor and discover an extraordinary view of Jerusalem's Old City shining with a thousand lights.This vibrant ecumenical community seeks the unity of the Church, and gives us a warm welcome!

"What does your project consist of?" Asks Anne-Cathy Graber, Mennonite pastor and new community leader?

"For the moment it is a vision," replies Olivier, "a call to the churches. The project will gradually reveal itself as a result of our visits. We come with a question: in your context what is the best way to celebrate the 2000 years of the resurrection of Jesus?"

"Certainly something must be done in 2033"! exclaims Nobert Rousselle, the priest of the community. This date belongs to no one, it is like a magnet that loves the way to go. It is good that an impulse comes from outside the churches to call them together to witness Christ."Pierre, a secular and married member of the community, tells how the Easter dawn is celebrated on the terrace: at one time the songs are covered by the mu'addhin of the El-Aqsa mosque opposite. "In Jerusalem we must always take account of others. The root is here. I do not imagine the return of Christ to Rome! "

Walking is just as important as the goal

The next day we go to Saint Anne, also on the Via Dolorosa. On a wall, our attention is attracted by an inscription of the sisters of Darmstadt which recalls the way of the cross of Christ. This is the verse we had meditated at the Geneva airport: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me!"

Father Frans Bouwen welcomes us to the Convent of the White Fathers. A great connoisseur of the Churches of Jerusalem, he is one of the actors of the week of prayer for the unity of Christians, which brings together twelve churches in the city. He is also a passionate theologian of the unity of the churches, having been vice-president of the Faith and Order Commission. "I am proud to have been the only one to sign the two major texts of the World Council of Churches:"Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry” and “Towards a common vision of the Church"!

P. Frans lived for 48 years in Jerusalem and noted that ecumenical relations have progressed considerably since the historic visit between Pope Paul VI and the Patriarch of Constantinople Athenagoras in 1964. A climate of confidence has been established. The churches collaborate, especially for the restoration of the Holy Sepulcher. However, their relationship could be deepened on the pastoral and spiritual level.

"An incredible work is done between lay people and priests. They work together at all levels. The faithful know that if they want to have a future here, it is only together. There are so many mixed marriages, especially between Orthodox and Catholic who account for 90% of Christians."

Concerning "Jesus Celebration 2033" in Jerusalem, he exclaims: "Who can know the situation in 16 years? The important thing is to encourage people’s journey towards 2033. The journey is just as important as the goal. I love that Pope Francis says that unity will be achieved by walking.

"He believes this vision will encourage communities not to define themselves in opposition to others, which is a fairly common self-defense response in the Middle East."We are Christians first. The message of the resurrection will help us to become more deeply aware of this. Jesus died to bring all children of God back to unity. Death, resurrection and the sending of the Spirit are a mystery. The vocation of the Church is to bring people together beyond their differences of culture."