Imagine the Feast of 2033

The 2000-year celebrations should be joyful, artistic and creative. Celebrating the beauty of Christ's Resurrection, in diversity, joy and gratitude will be attractive. How can we imagine the Jubilee of 2033 and the path leading to it? Several speakers answered this question. A celebration concluded the gathering where the "Decade of the Resurrection" was launched, and new ambassadors were sent out.

The biblical scholar Maria Cristina Ventura notes that in the Bible the feast is represented by a banquet, a symbol of God's blessing and of the time of the end, where all peoples are invited to sit together at the table prepared for them by God (see Isaiah 25 and 55).

For Jesus, eating together is one of the signs of the Kingdom of God: the Risen One makes himself known to his disciples when they eat together (John 21; Luke 24).

By inviting the poor to the banquet, according to the parable of the invitation to the feast in Luke's Gospel (14:12-14), Jesus breaks with the clientelism of Roman society.  For him, eating is a matter of justice: that is why the poor without resources are invited. Jesus thus goes beyond the classic laws of the table and affirms that the table is the place of fraternity and conviviality. This last meaning is found in the meal that he instituted in his memory. 

How do you see the Jubilee 2033?

This was the question put to three speakers. For Beatriz Berrocal, a Catholic theologian from Cartagena, this jubilee is an opportune moment to celebrate the joy of salvation and the newness of Christ. It is a time to re-launch the commitment to Christian unity as a witness in a fragmented world.  It is also a unique opportunity to act as the People of God on the road to mission. 

"The world needs a Church on the move that refuses to be divided, that turns its gaze towards humanity and offers, more than a doctrine or a strategy, an experience of salvation, an overflow of the gift that responds to the cry of humanity and nature," she concludes.

Atahulpa Hernandez, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Colombia, notes that the Jubilee of 2033 is already anticipated by what he sees today in this meeting in Cartagena, namely reconciliation between Christians, a lot of creativity and hidden work, in joy and diversity. 

For him, this jubilee must wipe the tears from the eyes of so many Colombians, especially peasants, Afro-Colombians, and indigenous people. "If we celebrate among ourselves, peace will not be within us. We must open our doors so that the light of the Risen Christ can flood our hearts”. 

On the left, Abigail Vicente, Beatriz Berrocal (second from right) and Maria Cristina Ventura (right)

For the evangelical pastor Abigail Vicente, from the Apostolic Community "Las Bienaventuranzas", in Monteira, the Jubilee of 2033 will be a time of joy, of blessing in celebrating the liberation of God in Christ. Its preparation is a call to unity and reconciliation, overcoming our differences and collaborating for the cause of Christ. Also, a call to reconcile with those who have been hurt or side-lined by the Church. 

"The Jubilee of 2033 in Colombia and Cartagena could be an opportunity to promote peace, reconciliation and social justice. The celebration could highlight the richness of the city's history and culture and underline the importance of the Christian faith as a motor for change and unity in society," he says in relation to the Colombian context. 

Walking in Humility Towards 2033

This is the conviction of Hector Pardo, pastor of the Charismatic Christian Church "Tabernaculo de la Fe", in Bogotá, during the final celebration that gathered more than 250 people. Invited to speak on the theme "Walking together towards 2033", he began by sharing his confidence: "If Christ is risen, he will accompany us until 2033...otherwise our faith is in vain"! On this journey, the Lord calls us to live his new commandment of mutual love, which is his will. 

With humour, he says: "Walking together according to God's will means walking in humility. If we cannot convince God that our own will is better than His, it is better to follow His will”. 

Hector Pardo and Enan Humanez

Father Enan Humanez, responsible for ecumenism in the diocese of Cartagena, challenged the many young people with great vivacity, reminding them that they should avoid preaching a Christ without the Cross. "The resurrection without the Cross is like a triumph without sacrifice," he said. 

He is the one who should be at the centre of everything, not a pastor or an archbishop! It is also he who reveals himself to us and gives us, like to the apostles, to overcome every form of fear and sends us out to announce the good news of salvation. The Risen One breathes the Spirit that sanctifies and inspires us. And the fruit of the Spirit is forgiveness and reconciliation, peace and joy. 

May this spring become a great river!

Ardita Rivera, co-leader of the Focolare Movement in Colombia, thanks the organisers for sharing their dream which became hers. The young people of YWAM gave her deep joy: 'You are the face of Samuel, God called you and you followed him. Your testimony is edifying”.  

Reflecting on the theme of the banquet, it seems to her that Jesus is preparing a great banquet for all of us, but open to all humanity: "I dream that in the next ten years we will reach many people, believers and non-believers, from our churches and outside, from different cultures and religions, and that through sincere friendship we will be able to make them experience the love of a Father.

Esteban Ariel Mansilla, a young evangelical ambassador from Argentina, admits that he had never spoken about the Christian faith with a Catholic person. "My heart was closed. I realise that the Resurrection must first touch the Church and open our hearts," he says. This gathering had a profound effect on him, because he saw the children that our Father is looking for. In seeking him, we find other brothers and sisters and together we will celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

Mons Francisco Munera, Archbishop of Cartagena, expressed his joy at having been able to collaborate in this gathering to begin "a journey to Emmaus" with members of different churches. "This experience allows us to widen our hearts: overcoming barriers and judgements, knowing and loving each other in order to serve, thanks to the presence of the risen Jesus Christ at the centre of our lives.

He also expressed the gratitude of the Colombian Bishops' Conference and the Latin American Council of Archbishops (CELAM). He hopes that this experience will be extended to the whole Latin American continent. "May this source that starts in Cartagena become a great river! May we become true missionary disciples of Jesus,he concludes! 

Photo left, the passing of the torch from Daniel Castro (Colombia) to B.P. Khanal (Nepal). Right photo, Olivier Fleury (centre), surrounded by Josué Chang and Raffaele .... (Venezuela)

God's dream

At the conclusion of this gathering, Olivier Fleury, founder of JC2033, testifies that God has brought his children together during this meeting. 

What is our dream? That every person in Cartagena, Colombia and Latin America hears that Jesus is risen? God's dream is that every human being will be reconciled. And it is through our love for one another that the world will be drawn!

As the "Decade of Resurrection" (2023-2033) begins, he asks: "Would you give your talents, your life for this decade? What is the gift that we will give so that God's dream of the salvation of the world, which he has decided to realise through us, will be realised?

Passing the torch

Then there is a "passing of the torch" between Colombia and Nepal where the next JC2033 world gathering will be held. ( ) Then Raffaele... (Focolare), together with Josué Chang (YWAM), invited to the next meeting in Latin America, in Caracas (Venezuela) in October 2024. The Focolare Movement, indeed, is committed in organising an event every year in a different country until 2033, in collaboration with the Churches and movements.

Finally, Barbara Allan, head of the JCW2033 ambassadors' programme, presided over the sending of some twenty new ambassadors from Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Egypt and Quebec. A young Mexican woman said: "A voice told me to go to Colombia because something important was waiting for me. Now I want to be an ambassador for JC2033”

The Quebec ambassadors with some Swiss. On the far left, Mons Francisco Munera, Archbishop of Cartagena

To conclude: a prayer 

At the end of this beautiful celebration, before receiving the blessing from the various church leaders, I said this prayer, in which I tried to summarise what we had experienced during these blessed days: 

Lord, at the conclusion of our meeting,
Our hearts are filled with joy and peace,
Signs of your presence among us.

You have gathered us from the four corners of the horizon.
You have challenged us with your Word of truth.
You have called us to your justice and not ours,
To your peace and not ours, To your unity and not ours.

Now you send us pilgrims on our way to 2033,
In the decade leading up to 2000 years of your resurrection.
Give us to keep in mind what we have experienced here
and to share it where we live.
Give us also not to run away from the possible oppositions
Which will undoubtedly happen one day or another.
May we look to your cross in these moments
Where you continued to love against all odds.

That through our mutual love
You show the power of the Holy Spirit
Who raised you from the dead
And that you never cease to pour out on the Church.

Give us the strength to take the first step
By visiting our brothers and sisters in all  churches,
Without excluding any!
Let none be missing from the table
At the banquet you are preparing!

May your grace create a strong and beautiful communion among us
That we may bear witness to you and celebrate you
So that in 2033, every human being will hear the joyful greeting:
"Christ is risen! He is truly risen!


Martin Hoegger