JC2033 And The Women Of Nepal

As part of our short visit to Nepal we were invited to participate at the Nepal Prayer & Revival Conference which took place from 26th – 28th September 2022 and was organised by the NPCl. How wonderful to witness these 180 vibrant Christians whose vision and desire is to share the love of Christ with others!

There is so much to share, however, as a woman I would like to dedicate this article to the women of Nepal: 

Mrs. Hannah shares in her article “Women in Mission” in the Nepal Prayer & Revival Conference brochure that of a population of close to 30 million in Nepal, 53.9% are women. She further mentions that the role of women in missions is detrimental to the future of missions in Nepal. Many women in Nepal face hardships from domestic violence (78%), rape, abuse, lack of property rights, extra-marital affairs by their husbands, witch-hunting (specifically targeting women from lower casts), girls being subject to child marriage (40%), age old tradition of isolating women during their menstrual period etc.; the list of atrocities is vast of what women have to go through on a regular basis. These violent incidents incite a cry that is reminiscent of the prayer of the Israelites in captivity to the Pharaoh. God heard their cries and sent His message through Moses and Aaron to rescue them. Today the call is clearly ringing for the women in Nepal, “Whom shall I send, who will go for us? Isaiah 6:8. With 1/3 of the congregation being women in the churches of Nepal, it is high-time to recognize their indispensable role in spreading the gospel, especially among women…


Conference speakers Doris and Luis Busch centre, with Barbara Alan and Olivier Fleury

I (Barbara) was also touched by the talk of Mrs. Doris Bush in which she shared; how important the role of women was in biblical times:

There was no synagogue in Philippi, so Paul went outside where the people were meeting. The men were not there. He found a group of women, among them Lydia. Lydia was from Thyatira (Acts 16:14), a town where Paul was not allowed to go. Lydia brought purple dye, which meant that she was probably rich. Lydia worshipped and opened her heart to God. Lydia was baptised with all her household. Then she opened her home to Paul and the people travelling with him. 

Doris Bush then challenged the women present: God wants us to be hospitable, like the Nepali do it. The key to the front door often belongs to the woman in the house. 

Lydia opened her heart, her house and her hands. The letter to Philippi exists thanks to Lydia. Some scholars think that the church in Thyatira might have been started by Lydia. Jesus wants women to be part of the great commission.

As women, we were challenged this year at “One Billion Soul Harvest (1 billion souls by 2030). In a prayer meeting one woman prayed “Wake up the “sleeping giant” (the women of the church). Doris Bush then challenged: Pray for 5 women near you, serve them and there may be opportunities to share with them the good news of Jesus Christ, and they will join the worship dance as we have seen this morning. Without women: There would have been  no birth of Christ, no anointing  of Jesus before the cross. Women testified to the resurrection first. 

What followed after Doris Bush’s’ talk was something “holy”. Although I didn’t fully understand what was said in the Nepali language, women started to stream towards the stage. All in all, maybe 40 of them and the entire congregation prayed. Many of the women were obviously touched in a very personal way. Some had tears in their eyes, some cried, some laughed. It was beautiful to see how these women were being recognized, being prayed for, given space and time, received confirmation of their callings and dreams etc. Women being called and sent, a whole new workforce to be part of the great commission.

What a strong move, what a prophetic experience!!! 


A holy and touching moment - blurred for security and privacy

And so it is with JC2033, this vision will only be accomplished with the participation of women at every level. This vision already has the participation of incredible women sharing the vision and JC2033 literature in their homes and villages; clergy talking to church dignitaries at the highest level about JC2033; leading our Global Ambassador Program; women working in the field of fundraising with top business leaders; the JC2033 Friday prayer time is lead by women etc. 

We are actively seeking Christian women ready to play their part in the JC2033 movement. If you are interested in empowering women in ministry why not work with us, In Nepal, Columbia and globally in our Ambassador Network.

Barbara Allan - ballan@jc2033.world

Next - Together for the resurrection In Quebec!

Previous - Some experiences and lessons from the WCC General Assembly