Together for the resurrection In Quebec!

Nearly 65 people gathered at the Chemin Neuf Community in Rawdon for a day of encounters, sharing, and discovery. Reformed, Evangelical, Catholic and Orthodox Christians from 3 months old to almost 80 years old, started the day of November 19th by raising the name of Jesus without forgetting the presence of our friends from l'Arche.  

Bishop Louis, Bishop of Joliette, testified why JC2033 is important. This project, which was not born in the Catholic Church, gives Christians the possibility of uniting around Jesus. Laurent (JC2033 coordinator in Quebec) also wants to see the churches unite to share the good news of Jesus for all Quebecians. We are no longer in a church-against-church competition, we now rejoice in the wider “success” of each church.  

In the small groups, everyone was able to share their story of how Jesus had revealed himself.  We listened with interest to the passion of Hegumen Cyril (Bishop of the Orthodox Church). He shared with us his life journey, and how he lives ecumenism. He reflected  on the role of suffering and how it can be a catalyst for change.“If we suffered more divisions, we would be reconciled more quickly! " He said, challenging us gently and lovingly.  

During lunch, we were able to encourage men and women from Quebec City, Trois Rivières, and Saguenay to form their own JC2023 groups starting in 2023.  In the afternoon, Hélène, leader of the Chemin Neuf community for Canada, told us how  Jesus opened his heart to inter-church relations.  

The round table, moderated by Philippe, was for many the highlight of the day. The various church leaders were able to testify, among other things, to why Easter is important in their church and their dreams for JC2033. 

We ended our day with a time of intercession where we said together the special prayer of Chemin Neuf. 

" Lord Jesus, who prayed for all to be one, 

We pray to you for the unity of Christians, 

As you want it, by the means you want. 

May your Spirit  grant  us to experience the pain of  


To see our sin, and to hope beyond all hope. 

Amen » 

We appreciate all the prayers of our JC2033 family.

Thank you


Sébastien & Lucie (ambassadors for the Catholic Church), Philippe (Methodist pastor), Yves Patrick (Community of Chemin Neuf) and Laurent (Youth in Mission)


Next - The Taizé Community and JC2033

Previous - JC2033 And The Women Of Nepal