Raising Up Global Ambassadors

Discover our new global Ambassadors Program, get to know one of our Ambassadors from Canada and his heart for unity, and learn how you can get involved!

“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” – Howard Zinn 

I have always been fascinated by stories and movies where a simple person becomes a history maker, a “nobody” doing little acts of kindness starts to create a movement that changes the world - and even more when (in those movies), others would start to imitate him and it would multiply into an unstoppable wave!

As I started to work with JC2033 and know more about this amazing vision of gathering together to celebrate the Risen One, I realized how much I just wanted to tell everyone about it. But I alone, a little woman from Switzerland, cannot reach the whole world, not even with our Swiss team. We need millions of people to share this Good News with others. More importantly, we need to gather a big community of people all around the world that have the same DNA, a heart to spread this incredible vision, and to work together to make it happen!

That’s how we decided to come up with a new program for the ones who want to spread this vision in their cities and regions, the JC2033 Ambassadors Program.

A JC2033 Ambassador is someone who has understood the JC2033 vision of celebrating the 2000 years since the resurrection of Christ and wants to make it happen in his country. The Ambassador uses his skills and competencies and his connections with churches in his region or within his sphere of influence to spread the vision and to develop different unity projects to celebrate the Risen One, an Ambassador as a heart for unity in Christ, a heart to witness to the whole world that Jesus Christ is Risen and to celebrate the Risen One. 

Here is a testimony of one of our Ambassadors, Laurent Gerber, from Canada:

When I discovered that Jesus prays that all may be one, it motivated me to be part of Jesus' request. It's exciting to be a small part of the answer to Jesus' prayer in the 21st century. 

Concretely, I try to find the golden nuggets in my brothers or sisters who also love Jesus, believe in Jesus; however, they might be a part of  another Christian faith community.

Do you know that Quebec is a Catholic land? I had to learn to know it, to understand its history, to not agree with everything, to appreciate with honor what has been done, and to find a common path to practice together with the ministry of reconciliation. For example, I had learned so much when a priest made me see the beauty of a rainbow. When each color can express its own color, it is an extraordinary sign in the sky! When each church seeks to know Jesus, the seekers see love in action and unity in diversity.

Praying together, eating together, acting together, giving together, sharing together - so much more than just words; I am learning to practice these things. Jesus saves and we are called to witness and commit ourselves to our neighbor. 

Let's not wait until 2033 before we begin! Today, let us be joyful pilgrims and share the Good News of the Risen One!  


Do you also have a heart for this? Then, this Program is for you!

The JC2033 Ambassadors Program is focused on 3 main goals: 

Getting Connected, Getting Trained, Getting Equipped and Sent.

Get Connected with other Ambassadors around the world through a WhatsApp group and through the Ambassadors Zoom meetings. Get Trained to share the vision and to start some projects of unity and celebration in your area through mini Zoom conferences, learn more about the 3 DNA’s of JC2033 through exclusive videos, articles, etc. Get Equipped and Sent during our Yearly Global Gathering where we work together on a strategy of multiplication of the Ambassadors all over the world to spread the vision in the next few years.

We want to work together as a global team because we know that alone we can do so little, but together, we can do so much!  

Would you be interested in joining the Ambassadors and starting your own projects of unity and celebration in your area? Would you like to connect with people from all over the world, participating in this amazing vision? 

Please contact Joanne Suardi Pan: jsuardi@jc2033.world for more information about the Ambassadors Program and join us for the next Mini-Conference for the Ambassadors on Saturday, March 27, 2021, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (CET). (For the Zoom link, contact jsuardi@jc2033.world).