Rome Chronicles I

Monday, November 7, 2016. A delegation from the Jesus Celebration 2033 team (Olivier Fleury, Jason Hollinger, Martin Hoegger) visited Rome to meet with leaders of churches and movements to discuss the project "Jesus Celebration 2033".

The day began being interviewed by the international Catholic television "Shalom TV" giving an opportunity to present "Jesus Celebration 2033" to the catholic world.

Waldensian Methodist Church

Next stop: Pastor Antonio Adamo of the Waldensian Methodist Church in Italy in the beautiful church of Piazza Cavour. He recounted with great enthusiasm the Waldensian history and suggested contacting the "table Vaudois", namely the executive council of the church in Torre Pellice, the mother town of the "Vaudois in Piedmont".
Martin Hoegger shared about his our visits with the World Council of Churches, and Pastor Antonio Adamo reiterated the importance of preparing this event now if we want all the churches to participate by 2033.

State Secretariat of the Vatican

Next stop: State Secretariat of the Vatican, accompanied by Floriane Dioguardi-Bourgeois, a friend of JC2033. Born in Vaud, she has lived in Rome for 20 years and is friends with Bishop Agostino Corbanese, who works in the Vatican. They arrive in magnificent corridors, where the walls are painted with world maps, as they were known in the mid-16th century. On three of these maps, painted by students of the famous Raphael, Switzerland can be recognized. On another one "Palestine" of that time. Yet another one shows a record of the events of the exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt.
The meeting with Don Agostino is very cordial. Olivier Fleury had met him earlier this year, where he was able to present the project in detail. His influence helped open the door for our visit to the Vatican's Secret Archives, the following day. The secretariat's balcony has a unique view of St. Peter's Square and what a privilege to look out over the entire "Eternal City".



Next stop: Grottaferrata to visit the international center of the Focolari movement. Then on to "Centro Pro Uno", dealing with the ecumenical dialogue in this movement of “a very wide horizon”. Our interviews with Maria Wienken and Diego Goler were very intense. The spirituality of the unity of this movement touches us, especially the focus of Christ's presence in our midst. In fact, when he is present, "where two or three are gathered in his name" (Matthew 18:20), it is a permanent "Jesus Celebration"! We promise to stay in touch, especially through the "Together for Europe" meetings to which JC2033 is invited. As of Thursday evening, Martin Hoegger will participate as a member of the Swiss Committee in a meeting of this "movement of movements" in Rome.

Martin Hoegger

3Focolari Rome