The women at the tomb, the first witnesses of the Risen One

The JC2033 Gathering opened at the same time as World Women's Day. It was women who met the Risen Lord before anyone else. This first day therefore began with a reflection on the women at the empty tomb.

A theatrical performance by the young people of the YWAM - "the women at the tomb" illustrates this theme. Surprise, joy at the discovery, the impulse to share it, the scepticism of the apostles are energetically portrayed! 

The day opened with a meditation by Markus Buser, one of the directors of the Youth With A Mission Centre, on the fact that the resurrection of Christ shows that God is a God of relationships. The quality of our relationships with each other reflects this and makes the living Christ known. 

pastedGraphic_1.pngFrom left to right, Olivier Fleury (JC2033), Hector Pardo (Tabernaculo de la Fe Christian Charismatic Church, Bogota) and Markus Buser (Youth With A Mission) 

Yesterday, World Women's Day, F. Munera concluded his conference with some thoughts on the vocation and mission of women as witnesses of the resurrection: "Dear women here present, you are the witnesses of the resurrection of Christ. Proclaim with courage this truth that gives meaning to life, to all life. Help us to overcome our fears and let us, with you, truly embrace hope in the joy of mission ».

 The bible scholar Maria Cristina Ventura, a professor at the Theological University of Central America in Costa Rica, continues the reflection on this theme. She notes that the women of the resurrection are the same as those of the crucifixion. 

They have been present at every moment of Jesus' life since Galilee and are his family and disciples. 

Mary of Magdala is the first to open herself to the mystery of the resurrection and to announce it. She is thus "the apostle of the apostles" and belongs to the apostolicity. Looking at these women allows us to see another type of Church. They represent a feminine element of revelation.

Echoing the example of the women at the tomb, Gabriel Peralta, pastor of the Evangelical Church "The Meeting Place" in Bogotá, notes that Jesus' method goes from the micro to the macro level, so to speak. « I see, he says, people who are very concerned about changing the world, but it is only when the power of the resurrection reaches and transforms their inner selves that it produces the transformative impact that changes whole societies ».

Believers are led by love to live in communion with the Spirit in order to shine the light they have received. He hopes that the next decade will be "a decade of living in the resurrection power of Jesus" and that in 2033 we will be able to "celebrate together the wonders that the Holy Spirit will accomplish through his people for the glory of Jesus"! 

pastedGraphic_2.pngPastor Gabriel Peralta, Evangelical Church "The Meeting Point", Bogota


The Emmaus Way

Inviting Christians from different churches to walk the road to Emmaus each year to set out like the women at the tomb and prepare for the Jubilee of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in 2033 is one of the proposals of the JC2033 initiative, explains Swiss pastor Martin Hoegger

The road to Emmaus is first of all a geographical road, although it is difficult to say where the ancient village of Emmaus is located.  But it is also and above all a spiritual journey. Since his resurrection, all our paths can indeed become paths to Emmaus, where the Risen One wants to reach us. Hoegger explains that the road to 2033 is a kind of Emmaus road where we want to let ourselves be led by the Risen One. 

pastedGraphic_3.pngPilgrimage organised by JC2033 on the road to Emmaus in 2020

In the afternoon, small groups are formed where each person is invited, in seven minutes, to share their "existential Emmaus", i.e. how they have walked with Christ. This method, inspired by the Global Christian Forum, allows us to get to know each other better. The groups are both interdenominational and intergenerational. And the fruit of this exercise is great joy! (On this "Forum method", see:


pastedGraphic_4.pngSharing our "existential Emmaus way". 


Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus,
we believe you're joining us during these days.
We have talked, prayed, and sought your will,
but we also need you to come to us
to explain all things to us, to convince us
and unite our thoughts by the power of your Spirit.

As we return, we pray with Cleopas and the other disciple
in whom each one can recognize himself.
Stay with us, Lord!
Keep us on our paths!
Keep us in the unity of the Spirit!
Keep our hearts above all else!
Let springs of life spring forth from them
and let the fire of your love spread!


Martin Hoegger